Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Yesterday marks the day of yet another important day. I had breakfast with a surro friend, we had blood work done -to check hormone levels. (Everything looked great).

I then had another ultrasound appointment with Dr. A. Endometrial lining looks perfect, nice and fluffy. Next step was talking about the next medicine I will be taking, ready for the embryo transfer on Saturday! ONLY 4 DAYS AWAY - starting to feel the pressure now, but in a good way. I'm very excited.

My endometrial lining looking perfect.

Progesterone oil and needle (on top of my journal).
 First, and most important is the big ol' progesterone!! (Wondering about my title? Formula for progesterone). This is to make my endometrial lining extra puffy so my oven will except those lovely little embryos. Starting off with 50mg, going up to 75mg (these are everyday). My poor behind! My first injection of progesterone went very well thanks to a good friend of mine. Ice first, injection, then massage and heat. (lil sore today, but not as bad as anticipated).
Estrogen injection and patches continue and usual. Next is Prednisone, this is a steroid to suppress my immune system to allow my body to accept the embryos as my own (and not fight them off). I have to take 3 5mg pills right before bed, this is only for the 4 days prior to the transfer. I also have to take Doxycycline (antibiotic), just in case an infection occurs. I take one in the morning and one at night (also for 4 days prior to transfer.Yesterday's went perfectly fine, but this morning I took it on an empty stomach NOT A GOOD IDEA, I was so nauseous and sick. Don't do that fellow surro's.

My new schedule since progesterone has been introduced.

I have to have more blood work done on Friday to check my hormone levels one more time before the transfer. The count down is going so fast.

I skyped with Laura and David today and we talked about yesterdays appointment and the plan for the next few days. I told them Dr. A was allowing my husband to video the transfer so they were able to feel a part of it as well. They were very excited about that. They also got to meet my mom. We talked about how excited, nervous and all these other emotions that we all have. I can't believe how fast this has come. Now I have to plan what to do for 3 days on bed rest!!  STAY TUNED

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