Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Jan 18th 2015 - I brought Harry into the world.

 - Let's just say I didn't sleep too well the night before, I'm not sure if it was excitement, nerves or something else. I was even woken up 30 minutes before my alarm due to a lovely earthquake (damn you nature), not to mention waking up every hour because baby Harry was dancing on my bladder all night, but I didn't care!! Jan 18th was baby day.

 - My induction was set for 8am, so Martin and I arrived at the hospital and Laura and David and their daughter arrived soon after. We all got settled into a room and waited for instructions (my mom was also with us to help for the delivery - even though it was her day off).

 - Around 10am the doctor told the nurse (also my moms friend) to start me off with Cytotec (used to ripen the cervix). This is placed into the vagina for around 4 hours.
 - At 12 o clock, I could feel some contractions and I wanted to get up and start walking around to get things moving more quickly.
 - At 2pm my doctor came in to check me. 4cm. (I was previously 2-3cm). She also broke my bag of water to get things moving.
 - The next few hours started to get tough. Stronger contractions, closer together. So I decided to get the epidural
 - Epidural was placed around 5pm and I was 5cm at this point.
 - I was feeling much better around 6pm, so I fell asleep for a little while.
 - I woke up around 7pm, the nurse checked me and I was 9 and a half centimeters but baby was still pretty high (station -2). I quickly text Martin and Kailey (my fellow surro friend, who is also my photographer) to come back to the room as things were going to happen soon enough.
A few minutes later was shift change, although my moms friend stayed because we were getting close to delivery, a new nurse (also my moms friend) came in to check me and his head was right there and ready to be born.

 - I held Laura's hand and I could see her excitement and her nerves. The nurses put a gown on Laura, so Harry could be handed to her right away for skin to skin contact.
I was told to push and in 3 pushes Harry was out.
Happy Birthday Harry!!!
I instantly looked at Laura's face so I could see her emotions, and all she was saying, "Thank you Sammie". I kept bouncing my head back and forth between Laura and Harry and seeing them made me very emotional. I instantly balled my eyes out with happiness. I did this. I helped her be a mommy again. Seeing her reaction to him being born is indescribable, there are no words powerful enough to describe it, it is just incredible. David and daughter were also in the room, but keeping a little out of sight (David is squeemish). Seeing their faces light up has got to be the most amazing moment, David was Skyping with his family to give them the great news of Harry being born.

 - Afterwards, Harry was weighed at exactly 8lb and 19 Inches long. (My smallest baby to give birth to).
 - Laura and David then gave me a little gift. A bracelet with my children's names on, which also said Thanks.
The best was yet to come, as I opened my gift and saw it (It was beautiful btw), then announced they were going to name the baby after me - giving him the middle name of "Sam". I was sooo overwhelmed with emotion (all good ones) that I instantly cried and hugged my husband. What an amazing gift to give a surrogate.
 - All the hard work was totally worth it. Every single part of it. The waiting, the pain, the emotions, the rush and seeing their faces.
My journey ends here, and theirs is just beginning.

As soon as Harry was born. Both of us were crying with happiness. (Had to blur the face for confidential reasons)

Holding my IM's hand.

Beyond happy for the new family

Did I mention I cut the cord

Sharing the moment. Mommy, Daddy and Harry

Here he is

Mommy couldn't take her eyes off him 

8lb exactly

Welcome to the world little boy.... I love you to the moon and back <3

I will give more updates as I know them. My IPs are staying in San Diego until the middle of February, so I am happy that I get to spend the next month with them as often as I can. Although, I do want to give them their own space whilst becoming a family of four.
I wish I could post some of the pictures for you all to see... My friend captured the most amazing emotions in the room and I wish I could share them. I'll try and edit and blur faces if I get the parents permission.

Friday, January 16, 2015

39 Weeks

- This week is coming and going so fast.

Sunday was our monthly surrogate support group. It was a pajama and bunco support group and it was so much fun with lots of girls towards to end of their pregnancies and many in the beginning too. One of my very close surrogate friends is only 4 days postpartum with her surro baby and I am just so proud of her and wanted to give her a shout out for being AWESOME, CONGRATS!!!!!! She gave birth to a beautiful little 6lb 6oz baby girl for her IPs who are also from France. I saw a few pictures from the birth and they literally put me into tears, seeing how happy the mommy was. I can't wait for this moment for myself.

- Monday was my IPs daughters 5th birthday (so NO they did not end up sharing a birthday), they drove from San Diego to celebrate at the corner bakery with us and got a little cake for her. Tuesday was a relaxing day for both families, I went and got my nails done and enjoyed relaxing with my family, while Laura and David did the same at their house. At night time my contractions started.
The contractions kept me awake all night, I would wake myself up to me humming and whining to control the contraction. When I got up Wednesday morning, they continued ALL day, every 10 minutes. My husband and I went for a walk to see if they would get stronger or closer together, NO such luck. Luckily for me, my mother is a labor and delivery nurse, so I had her come over and check to see if I was dilated enough to go to the hospital. ONLY 2-3cm, definite progression from my last appointment, but not enough to stay in the hospital. So I stayed at home and tried to get this moving on my own, bouncing up and down on a yoga ball, raspberry leaf tea and spicy food. I had a doctors appointment Thursday morning, so I wasn't too concerned about not being in labor yet.
 - Thursday at my doctors appointment - 
Baby Harry is sounding great. The nurse practitioner stripped my membranes to see if it will help move things along. We also discussed an induction.
- So my induction is set for SUNDAY 18th- So we only have to wait a few more days until Harry arrives into the world. My IPs are so excited and can't wait to meet their newest addition to their family. I had the biggest grin on my face after the induction appointment had been made, I FINALLY get to help a couple have their dream. This is the moment that we have ALL been waiting for, we are in the final stretch.
I will let you all know how induction goes (or if the little booger decides to arrive sooner).
Ready to give birth - I feel huge!

Both 39 weeks and squatting to get these babies out (Congrats to Esmeralda for giving birth to a baby girl this week also)

Maria, myself and Jill

Support Group - playing bunco

My boys waiting for Harry to arrive

1 Week Progression pic. Baby is much lower on the right (excuse the bra)

Monday, January 12, 2015

38 weeks

My IPs arrived on Wednesday, and I couldn't be happier to have them here and know that they will be here for the birth. They both attended my doctors appointment and met with my doctor and asked questions about baby Harry's arrival. My doctor checked my cervix - still the same as last week. 1-2cm 60% effaced. I could have sworn I was dilated more than that with the amount of contractions I've been having this past week. At least now Laura and I can go baby shopping for the things they need, now that we know we still have time to do so. 
I've hung out with my IPs everyday since they have arrived and I even got to meet their daughter. She is so sweet and she just loves me talking and playing with her. It's her birthday on Monday, I wonder if her and Harry will share a birthday? 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

37 Weeks

- 37 Weeks
My family and I had a great Christmas, hope you guys did too.

- New Years Eve -
Southern California got SNOW!!! The area that I live hasn't had snow in over 10 years, so the whole family woke up early (actually, I woke the kids up).
Today, was also my doctors appointment - This week was my group B strep test and my Dr checked my cervix for dilation. 1-2cm 60% effaced. So exciting, things are getting started (although it could still be a few weeks).
- Hopefully once Laura and David arrive, Harry can proceed to make his appearance. Did I mention they changed their flight so they now arrive on Tuesday. I can't wait for them to see how HUGE their son is growing in my belly.

Check cervix time!!!! (and my crazy hubs)
My boys enjoying the little snow that we had

- New Years Day -
Skyped with the intended parents today to discuss their travel to California. We had some technical difficulties, but we talked on the phone while still using skype (microphone wasn't working on their side). They are extremely excited to arrive and see myself and my family as well as their newest addition. We talked about details of delivery and what was to be expected on both ends. We also had LOTS of laughs (as always). Next time I update, THEY WILL BE HERE!!!!!